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Bajo el lema “Juntos por el futuro” (#juntosporelfuturo), el nuevo proyecto patrocinado por CENIT y ANIVEC pretende unir las fuerzas de ocho marcas para lograr un mayor reconocimiento de sus productos a nivel internacional. Entre los principales atributos que identifican a este conjunto de firmas destaca el sello Made in Portugal, asociado a la sostenibilidad y la calidad.
Brands in the news
La iniciativa Kids MODAPORTUGAL es una campaña de promoción internacional que subraya el dinamismo de las marcas lusas de moda infantil y su distinción en un mercado global tan competitivo. En pocas palabras, Kids MODAPORTUGAL nació con el objetivo de impulsar el crecimiento B2B de estas marcas, ayudarlas en la búsqueda de compradores y distribuidores y fomentar la promoción internacional de la calidad portuguesa. El proyecto fue elaborado por el Centro de Inteligencia Textil (CENIT) en alianza con la Asociación Nacional de las Industrias de Vestuario y Confección (ANIVEC). Ambas entidades decidieron impulsar esta iniciativa porque son conscientes de la relevancia de este subsector en la industria de la confección portuguesa. Kids MODAPORTUGAL is represented by a group of eight brands that represent the diversity of the Portuguese offer. In addition, they launch an alert about the dynamism of an entire sector that includes some 60 brands and that enjoys a strong expression and international recognition. Under the umbrella of sustainability, these eight brands (Baby Gi, Knot, Laranjinha, Play Up, Pureté, Snug, Wedoble and Wolf&Rita) represent a movement that cares about the positive impacts that fashion can have on the environment, people and the economy. Together for the future is the motto of this campaign in which eight Portuguese brands are committed to a safer and more sustainable future. All communication was inspired by the theme of sustainability, the future and togetherness. This digital showcase, as well as the campaign video, can be visited at
The sector is experiencing a moment of transformation to which the children's clothing subsector is no stranger. Today, this industry represents one of the main drivers of development in the country, with the children's subsector being one of the most dynamic. This is demonstrated by the constant launch of new brands. In fact, the Portuguese clothing sector has led one of the main transformations of the country's industrial and business fabric. Due to its dynamism and innovative spirit, the children's clothing industry (baby and child) occupies an indisputable space and has a strong export component. In this sense, according to CENIT estimates, only 16% of the national production of children's clothing is destined for the Portuguese domestic trade. Estimates suggest that the corresponding turnover, exclusively to the children's clothing manufacturing subsector, is around 600 million euros, and that it grew by around 6% between 2019 and 2021. Convinced that there is strength in unity, these eight Portuguese brands come together in search of greater recognition. Thus, jointly and under a single seal of Portuguese Production associated with sustainability, these firms want to advance in their internationalization plan. The action is promoted by CENI in collaboration with ANIVEC and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Portugal 2020 Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program.
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